SALAH Headline Animator

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Strive to purify and pray patiently, that Allah will send you the inspiration to prepare before the onslaught of a calamity. Many times I have read the story of Abraham and Lut, Noah and the arch, Pharaoh and the Palistinians in Egypt, Moses and the king's dream. All of them were given inspirations by Allah prior to the time when Allah sent down His verdict without mercy for those who did not give back to Him mercy. After all, the world and His teachings has been here for billions of years. But, many people do not pay heed. Allah is not shy to tell people that they are like'flies or mosquitoes' in reality. Yet they become hard at heart. Despite all these, Allah is still willing to forgive those who come before him with a pure heart to return to his fold, similar to the forgiveness he gave to the guy who was swallowed by a big fish, but, spitted out alive.

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